Moist tests are the test cases that do not follow DRY(Don't repeat yourself) principle. According to this philosophy, the setup and any other private method in the test class is a smell. It advocates that having all the test code in test method itself, improves readability and makes it easy to maintain. I recently joined a project team which follows this concept, and it was pretty surprising for me.
The test acts as a documentation for the object it tests. If i have to understand the job of a class, I will go to the test and read test methods. And thanks to the concept of moist test, I end up reading 5 lines of code duplicated in all the tests which creates object of system under test, creates mock objects, set expectations, inject dependency and do other setup stuff. So reader has to skip a chunk of code to get to the crux of the test. This is definitely not improving the readability of test.
The readability and maintainability of the test is more important than deciding whether to be moist or DRY in your tests. I agree that we should not be obsessive about strictly adhering to DRY in the test code, but in the same way, we should not be intentionally 'wet' and duplicate the code everywhere.
Lets look at the reasons people gives to write 'Moist' tests. I have taken most of the reasons from the Jay field's and Shane Harvie's post.
- When a test fails, I want to fix it quickly
How will duplicating the code in all test methods will allow you to fix the code quickly ? Suppose you add one more parameter to the constructor of your object, changing it in at one place in setup method will be much quicker than changing it in every test method.
Obviously, if you want to initialize your object differently, you have to instantiate it in your test method. But that's a special case, may be one of the ten test methods will need a different object and that method will instantiate it. Other methods in the test class will continue using the object that is instantiated in the setup method. If all the test methods needs different objects, then you don't need instance variable at all and all the test will have their own local variable. By doing so, you are breaking DRY principle, but it is necessary to make sure that your test is not forced to execute unnecessary code from setup method.
- I have to search around a large test class for extracted methods, or instance variables that may be modified throughout the class, this costs me time
Why would you have a large test class ? You will have a large test class only if the object your testing has multiple jobs and you have to test all that behavior. If you follow the Single responsibility principle and write classes that has only one job, you will have only one behavior to test (with alternate flows) and you will end up with small test classes.
So, if you have large class, its a smell that your object is doing too many things. You need to fix that first by segregate the responsibility into separate classes. Once you move the responsibilities to the different classes, you have to move the tests to separate test classes as well and you will end up with small test class.If doing so is impossible for some reason, you could extract test cases into separate files each testing a part of object's behavior.
Still even if your test class is large, I do not understand how searching for a method will take much time.(In most of the IDEs, you just have to do Ctrl+B(or other similar shortcut) to go to the method definition). The purpose of extracting methods is not only to group a block of code together, the more important purpose is to create abstraction. By giving descriptive method name to the extracted method and using that method in your test, you are creating an abstraction over a block of code and thereby increasing the readability of the test.
In few test, instance variable that is initialized in setup method will be modified by the test. However, this should not affect other tests. Ideally, you will create the instance of system-under-test (the object which you are testing) in the setup method and then use it in your test. The changes made by other objects to the instance variable will not affect your test as object is getting initialized in setup method for every test.
- Some developers don't know that setup method is getting executed/ they may not notice that setup method exists in test
This is probably the most lame excuse. Even a developer who learned JUnit today will know that the setup method gets executed before every test. And if your developer don't have this basic understanding, you should stop writing any code and educate them first. Their ignorance can't be the reason why you don't want to have setup methods in test class.
- Separating the test code in setup and test method decreases readability
Writing the code in setup method will reduce the readability only if you are not using the setup method properly. i.e. if we have any test specific code in setup method. However, if we have test environment setup code in setup and test and assertion code in test method, then it follows the natural flow of the test and should increase the readability. Though it depends on the reader as well. If the person is used to reading the code with small modular methods,reading the tests with setup methods should come naturally for him.
- Tests should be independent, so why should all of them use common setup (or any other common) method ?
When we say that tests should be independent, it doesn't mean that they should be lexically separate. It means that we should be able to run tests individually and the outcome of one test should not impact other tests. The setup method is executed before every test, so the objects are initialized freshly for every test. If setup method is too big and it contains some code that is not required for all the tests, then you have to extract the test specific code in your test method or write private methods.
- If you have to write large code to setup your test, you have to rethink about your object model instead of putting all the code in setup method
This is definitely true. Big setup code is a smell that your class has too many dependencies. In this case, we should definitely try to minimize it by breaking the class into different classes. But duplicating the chunk of code in all the tests is not the solution.
The ultimate core aim is the readability of test. Readability of the test is more important than applying DRY(this holds almost true for production code as well). We should not apply DRY principle stringently for test code. But it doesn't mean that we should go entirely other way round, write duplicate code and make our test moist purposefully.
IMHO, test method should have the code to invoke the method to test and do the state/behavior verification. It may also have code to set the expectations on the mock objects. The code for initializing the system-under-test (probably by injecting some mock objects) should go in the setup, which is the right place for it. Obviously, if all the test methods needs different setup, then the common setup method doesn't make sense and we have to duplicate some code in test methods. If you notice that changes are required in the common extracted methods and the changes are affecting other test, its time to get rid of extracted method and copy the code in all tests. So, you may end up with a test method which has all the code for setup, test and assertion. Its OK to violate DRY principle in your test code if it is required but this should be an exception. Naturally, we should try to keep our tests DRY and introduce 'moistness' only if required. We shouldn't intentionally make it 'wet' by duplicating the code everywhere.
1 comment:
Interesting post. Thanks for sharing. My rule of thumb is to keep as much of the code in each test method as much as possible, with a guidelines of trying to keep it between 3-5 lines. I like these lines to be in the form of some sort of Given-When-Then, or Arrange, Act, Assert format.
I've seen problems on both sides but I try to keep as much "test" setup out of the fixtures, using it more for "infrastructure" setup if possible.
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